MUFG Pension & Market Services
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EPS Insight: Long Term Incentive Share Plans in Australia

31 January 2019 / Link Market Services

Welcome to the second edition of EPS Insight. With executive remuneration a constant topic of conversation in corporate Australia, we will examine Long Term Incentive (LTI) share plans, focussing on the varying ways companies are constructing their LTI plans and the behaviour of employees once their awards have vested at the end of the performance period.

This report contains insights on LTI plan trends, including the type of performance conditions and instrument, performance periods, post vesting activity and employee engagement, and covers all the LTI plans offered by Link Group equity plan clients in 2018.

Additionally, we have included a case study on SunRice’s ‘MyShare Plan’ and the successful roll out of the plan to their staff in early 2018.

We hope you find this edition informative.

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